How to Use a Lifesize Sex Doll

How to Use a Lifesize Sex Doll

A lifesize sex doll can be the perfect addition for those looking to spice up their bedroom playtime. This article explains what a lifesize sex doll is and how to use it.

Lifesize sex dolls feature realistic features that can make them look like real people.However, if you take the time to explore what’s out there, you could have an incredible experience. When shopping for a lifesize sex doll, it’s important to consider things such as body size – often available as petite or full figure – skin type (realistic silicone or vinyl), facial features (sometimes customizable) and wardrobe options. Don’t forget about accessories. Some dolls come pre-equipped with vibrators and other fun toys.

What Is A Lifesize Doll And How To Use It

A life-size doll is an anatomically correct figure which serves as a companion or tool in sexual play. It is usually made from high-quality silicone, TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), or other materials designed for a realistic look. Life-size models come with various features such as life-like eyes, hair colour/style, skin tone/texture, body type and dimensions – all customizable according to your preference. Some have additional features like heat sensors or vibrating functions.

When using a life-size doll,some important steps should be followed to ensure safety and comfort during use:

  • Ensure the environment where the doll will be placed is clean and free from debris, as these things could damage your toy;
  • Read through the instructions manual included with the product carefully before use.
  • Utilize lubricants when necessary for smoother insertion;
  • Clean your toy with warm water and mild soap after each use. Additionally, apply talcum powder if applicable depending on the material type;
  • Store away from direct sunlight when not in use.
  • Be creative. Try different positions and scenarios to make sure you get maximum enjoyment out of your experience.

Benefits of Owning a Lifesize Sex Doll

Owning a lifesize sex doll has become increasingly popular over the years. Whether you’re single or have a partner, there are many great benefits to owning and enjoying one of these sexual companions.

Lifestyle Choice

Owning a lifesize sex doll is an ongoing lifestyle choice that can provide more freedom and flexibility in enjoying sexual encounters without some obligations in traditional relationships. This type of experience grants individuals more control over their intimate desires while allowing them to explore new forms of pleasure with no strings attached.

Companionship Feeling

Lifesize sex dolls offer users companionship that isn’t possible through other methods such as pornography or adult toys. The realistic designs create an incredibly life-like experience that may help those who struggle with loneliness feel less isolated and embrace the feeling of being desired.

Pleasure-Centred Experiences

Owning and using these unique products for pleasure purposes is highly encouraged by most manufacturers and retailers alike.There is something out there for everyone looking to enhance their personal experiences, alone or alongside another person/partner(s).they range from robotic sounds to sensual movements. Not only this, but they can also be customized depending on user preferences allowing people from different backgrounds and interests to come together in ways not previously thought possible.

Maintenance Tips for Your Lifesize Sex Doll

Here are some essential tips for proper cleaning and upkeep.

Avoid harsh soaps or detergents,which could damage the material or cause discolouration. Wiping down with warm water is sufficient for regular cleanings after each use. You should also consider investing in a cleaner for silicone dolls. This will help prevent any fading caused by harsh chemicals over time.

In terms of lubricants, many options available on the market work well with silicone dolls. Read the labels carefully before purchasing one. For example, water-based lubes are generally considered safe, but oil-based products (such as coconut oil) may degrade and damage your doll’s surface over time if used too frequently. Experimenting with different types until you find one that works best is recommended when starting.

Realistic dolls need occasional ‘maintenance’ such as light dusting between uses (with a soft cloth), regularly checking joints/seams for wear and tear, storing them properly when not being used, etc. Keeping these things in mind will extend their life expectancy significantly.

Following these few easy maintenance tips for your life-like sex doll experience, you’ll enjoy pleasurable playtime without damaging it.

Types of Lifesize Sex Dolls

Below are different types of lifesize sex dolls, and explain how each type can be used to enhance your experience.

Realistic Love Dolls

realistic love dolls are ideal. These life-like dolls come equipped with all the bells and whistles that mimic real human body parts such as breasts, buttocks, genitalia and even pubic hair. While they may not look exactly like a real person at first glance, these highly detailed models will fool most observers regarding touch and feel. Perfectly tailored skin textures also add to their life-like nature, making them great companions for physical pleasure or emotional comfort.

Inflatable Sex Dolls

For those who want a more affordable option without compromising on quality, then inflatable sex dolls might be just what you need. A huge selection of sizes makes them perfect for any budget while still delivering the same satisfaction traditional love doll models offer. These lightweight creations require minimal effort since they can be washed down with mild soap before being deflated for storage purposes. This allows users maximum convenience whilst saving plenty of money.

Anatomically Correct Models

Those seeking greater anatomical accuracy won’t find anything better than anatomically correct models. Each part from head to toe is cast from actual humans resulting in unmatched amounts of detail that guarantee an unforgettable experience every time, whether using it for masturbation or couple.With precise details reflecting both gender differences and different races/ethnicities, there’s no shortage when it comes to variety.Users should have no problems finding something suitable regardless of their preferences.

Custom Made Sex Dolls

These intricate creations allow customers full control over design aspects such as size, facial features (including eye colour), and clothing preference.Although slightly highly-priced compared to other alternatives,opting for this kind of product ensures maximum pleasure.


The guide discusses making the most of your life-like sex doll experience. Use compatible lubricants with your sex doll to avoid friction, causing tears and injuries. Use the dolls with your partner to get simultaneous orgasms. Take advantage of all these tips and tricks as you dive into an exciting new world filled with wonderful possibilities. With a quality life-size sex doll, there is no limit as to where your fantasies will take you.


How to Use a Gay Fleshlight

How to Use a Gay Fleshlight

Are you curious about what it takes to unlock the power of your Fleshlight and maximize your pleasure? This guide provides handy tips on how to get the most out of your gay Fleshlight experience.

Many individuals find lubricants an incredibly important tool when using their Fleshlight. Applying a generous amount before insertion ensures easier and more comfortable entry and enhances sensations during use. Depending on personal preference, water-based or silicone lubricant can be used with all Fleshlights for maximum enjoyment.After applying lube, there are several other accessories available used with the Fleshlight for additional stimulation and variety, such as cock rings or clit stimulators. These sex toys add external sensation while masturbating internally and help create stronger orgasms when used properly. Textured sleeves can also be purchased separately from Fleshlights.  These provide different sensations depending on the material interior surface (i.e. raised bumps). Adding any of these items during masturbation sessions helps create unique experiences each time!

What Are Gay Fleshlights and How to Use Them?

One of the best ways to do so is with gay Fleshlights if you’re looking to explore your sexuality.a sex toy specifically made for male pleasure.

A Gay Fleshlight is an artificial vagina designed specifically for men. These toys come in all shapes and sizes, from simple cylindrical sleeves to highly detailed models with realistic textures and materials. Depending on the individual product, they can also be enhanced with vibrating or warming features. Regardless of the particular model, however, all fleshlights provide intense stimulation when used correctly, making it difficult to achieve full release without assistance from their partner.

Users should take their time exploring different techniques and adjusting speed and pressure. Experimentation will ultimately reveal what works best for each person but generally speaking utilizing short, fast strokes with slower, more controlled ones will often result in maximum pleasure. Additionally, lubricants should always be applied before use.This helps ensure smoother penetration while reducing friction.

Finally, those interested in experimenting with new positions may find anal penetration enjoyable when paired with Gay Fleshlight toys. This activity provides an incredibly intimate form of stimulation due to its direct proximity towards sensitive nerve endings within the rectum walls. It makes it ideal for individuals seeking increased levels of orgasmic intensity during solo playtime sessions.

Whether you’re exploring your own body or someone else’s, having quality, Gay Fleshlight opens up numerous possibilities to discover unique forms of physical gratification.

How To Clean Your Gay Fleshlight For Maximum Pleasure

Proper cleaning is essential when getting the most out of your Gay Fleshlight experience. After all, no one wants to be stuck with a dirty sex toy. Knowing how to clean your Gay Fleshlight can help you get maximum pleasure and keep your toy in good condition. Here are some tips on how to properly clean your Gay Fleshlight for maximum pleasure:

Disassemble Your Fleshlight:

Before you start cleaning, ensure you disassemble any pieces of the fleshlight that can be removed (such as the sleeve or end cap). This helps ensure all parts are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

Use Warm Water and Soap

use warm water and mild soap to remove bodily fluids from the surfaces of your gay fleshlight. It’s important not to scrub as this could damage delicate materials such as silicone or rubber. Also, avoid using strong detergents or abrasives, which can cause wear and tear over time.

Dry Thoroughly With a Clean Towel

Once you’ve finished washing off bodily fluids from the surface of the fleshlight,  ensure you dry it completely with a clean towel before putting it away in its storage container. Leaving moisture will attract bacteria which could lead to irritation or infections if introduced into an intimate area during play.

Sanitize the Sleeve Regularly

One way to keep your gay fleshlight free from germs is by regularly sanitizing its sleeve material with rubbing alcohol. This kills anything living on its surface, like bacteria or mould spores. Doing so will not only increase hygiene levels but also extend the life span of this adult sex toy significantly.

Reasons Why Using a Gay Fleshlight Could be the Right Choice for You

When it comes to enhancing your sexual pleasure, nothing is quite as effective as a Fleshlight. The sex toys are designed to simulate the sensation of real intercourse and provide an incredibly realistic experience that can help you reach new heights of pleasure. Whether you’re seeking something to add more excitement to your solo play or looking for ways to spice up your relationship, using a Gay Fleshlight could be just what you need. Here are some reasons why it might be the right choice for you:

Enjoy Realistic Sensations

With its signature design and material composition, a Gay Fleshlight provides an unrivalled realism compared to other sex toys on the market. The soft interior sleeve mimics intense stimulation and gripping sensation almost identical to real penetration, allowing users to explore their wildest fantasies without compromising quality or satisfaction.

Variety of Textures  and Sizes

When selecting a Gay Fleshlight, there is no shortage of variety. They include different shapes and sizes that accommodate all types of bodies and textures. They range from ultra-smooth honeycomb designs for gentle teasing sessions to rougher knobby textures for maximum intensity. Whatever suits your desires best will be available from this range.

Increase Sexual Endurance

A gay fleshlight can also help increase sexual endurance over time by teaching appropriate muscle control during periods of arousal. It gives users access to longer-lasting orgasms, even during solo play.

Affordable and Discreet

many people use gay flashlights because they’re simple yet highly affordable options. Most models come with easy maintenance instructions making them much easier to look after than other more complex alternatives such as Tenga Eggs or Pocket Pussies.

Use quality lube with your fleshlight. Not only will these devices promise terrific sensations, but they’ll also prove great long-term investments.


The best way to experience your gay fleshlight is to ensure you take the time and effort to familiarise yourself with its features. Read instructions provided by the manufacturer before beginning use, as this will help guide you in choosing which settings are right for you. Not letting yourself feel rushed or pressured when trying new techniques and sensations is important.Experiment at a comfortable pace to focus on enjoying each sensation. Finally, ensure that you take special care in cleaning and storing your toy properly after each session. This keeps it functioning optimally.


How to Use a Double Penetrator

How to Use a Double Penetrator

When exploring new sexual pleasures, double penetration can be an exciting way for couples to spice up their sex life. This article explains everything about double penetrators and how you can use them for maximum pleasure.

Before engaging in any sexual activity involving toys or additional partners, it’s important to talk openly about what you both enjoy and feel comfortable doing. Discussing boundaries, desires, and expectations beforehand will ensure everyone feels respected and safe during the encounter. Once both parties have agreed upon these terms, lay out ground rules like ” no touching without consent” or ” stopping when someone says so,”

What is a Double Penetrator and How to Use Them

A double penetrator is a sex toy designed for anal or vaginal stimulation by two people simultaneously. It consists of one long shaft, usually silicone or metal, with two curved ends. One end is curved like an arrowhead to facilitate penetration, and the other is curved inwards so that the person receiving the penetration gets maximum sensation.

When using a double penetrator with your partner, there are some important safety guidelines to follow;

– Ensure both partners are comfortable with being penetrated at once before starting; this should involve communication before use.

– Use adequate lubrication during penetration, as this will allow for smoother insertion into any area being entered.

– Take it slow because going too fast could cause pain or injury.

– Once inserted, ensure no part of either penetrating object touches any internal organs such as the rectum or intestines. Stop immediately if this happens.

Using dual vibrations from multiple motors on some stimulators can also increase pleasure levels during use, but these should only be used if both partners are comfortable doing so. Ensure that any additional objects, like feathers or fingers, don’t come into contact with either side without permission from both parties. With knowledge about what a double penetrator is, plus safety tips on using them correctly, couples have access to another level of sensation they can experience together!

Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Double-Penetration Toys After Use

Cleaning and sanitizing your double penetration toys areimportant to owning sex toys. When using a double penetrator with your partner, you must ensure that your and your partner’s safety is a top priority. Keeping the toy clean after use helps prevent infection and extends its life span.

It’s best to clean any sex toy before and after each use, including double-penetration toys. After use, hold the toy under running warm water until it is visibly free from visible debris or body fluids. Once done, it’s time for the disinfecting process, which can be done in two ways: boiling or soaking in diluted bleach. Boiling requires submerging the toy thoroughly into a pot filled with boiling water for 3-5 minutes before fully cooling down with cold running water. Use 1/4 cup of pure bleach per gallon of cold tap water before completely submerging the double penetrator inside for 10 minutes. Rinse off all parts afterwards with plain cold running water until there are no suds left behind. Leave them on a dry cloth to air dry completely before storage or reuse them later.

When cleaning and sanitizing a double-penetration toy, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Although manufacturers may provide detailed guidelines and specific directions on how their product should be handled, follow a general understanding when dealing with sex toys.

Benefits of Using a Double Penetrator

Double penetrators can help partners explore different sensations when engaging in dual penetration during sexual activity. With multiple textures, shapes or sizes available on the market today, partners have plenty of options when choosing which kind might suit their preferences best. Each toy has unique properties, such as vibrating bullets or suction cups – so there is something for everyone.

The dildos encourage communication between partners about what feels good and where they want more pressure/stimulation. This ensures each party feels comfortable while they explore different positions together during intimate times. Moreover, by allowing both parties access two separate points at once (vagina and anus), couples may experience heightened pleasure due to increased sensitivity around the areas.

Finally, exploring new ways with your partner can add fun and experimentation into the bedroom without any pressure or expectations attached. Both partners get out exactly what they put in. So, if you feel like shaking things up in the bedroom but don’t know where to start: introducing a double penetrator could be just the thing.

How to Choose the Right Double Penetrator for Your Needs


The first step in choosing the perfect double penetrator is determining the best material for both partners. The most common materials used are silicone and jelly rubber, although vibrating versions are available made from metal or plastic. Silicone is more durable than other materials and offers superior skin safety and temperature play capabilities. Jelly rubberprovides flexibility and comfort during use but can wear down over time due to its porous nature.


It’s important to pick out a size that will comfortably fit both partners without being too big or small; if it’s too large, it could cause discomfort while using it, and if it’s too small, then it won’t be fulfilling its purpose.Consider any features such as ribbing, suction cups or even ridges along the shafts, which offer additional stimulation during use. Don’t forget whether your chosen double penetrator has vibration capabilities. Some models come with adjustable vibration settings built-in, and others may require batteries to operate them correctly .ncheck before making your purchase.


With this knowledge, you can confidently explore new sexual experiences without fear. Whether for mutual pleasure or just an extra surprise for the receiver, using a double penetrator will surely add some spice and excitement to your bedroom escapades. Before using any sex toy, discuss everything beforehand with your partner, so everyone feels comfortable and excited. Don’t forget lubrication as well. When used correctly, lube makes penetration easier and provides enhanced sensations. Avoid rushing into anything. Take some time to explore different positions and angles before finding what works best for you.


Guide to A Better Sex Life


By Elena Ognivtseva

Hey, everyone is looking for the ultimate experience in the bedroom, but often things just don’t go the way you want. Either he doesn’t last long enough, there’s not enough passion involved, or things just don’t feel right. Luckily, though, there a a few easy things you can do to give yourselves the sexual experience you’ve been craving. Try out these Simple Tips to Improve Your Sex Life tonight, and you’ll soon have the neighbours banging on the walls.



An important part of any intimate experience is making sure that you really take some time to make everything as conductive as possible to enjoyable sex. Scented candles are a popular choice, as well as mood lights, music, and a spot of massage before you take things further. Doing all of this will get you both mentally prepared for a better sexual experience, as it shows your partner that you truly value spending this intimate time together.


When you’ve been with the same partner for a while, it’s easy to take things for granted and forget about the simple things that make us feel loved and cared for- an important thing during sex. Don’t just jump right into things, but instead start off by kissing and caressing, taking time to undress each other in a sensual way instead of just tearing each other’s clothes off.


Good communication is extremely important for good sex, as without it you’ll probably both be left blundering in the dark, not knowing what it is that really turns your partner on. Before you start,talk to each other about what feels best for you, and keep that up during the act itself. Try not to tell your partner off for doing things you don’t like, but rather praise them for what feels good and encourage them to keep going.


Foreplay plays a very important part in sex, getting both of your bodies more receptive to stimulation and ready for penetration. However, men in particular can often be guilty of skipping this step out of laziness- a big mistake. Show your partner how much you love them by making things just about them for a while, using your mouth and hands to pleasure them before swapping round. As we said above, keep communicating with your partner about what feels good so that they know the best ways for them to please you. The longer you keep up the foreplay, the more satisfying penetration will feel when you get to it.


If you’re looking for a really quick way to change things up in the bedroom, then a new position might be just the thing. If you keep on doing the same old things in bed night after night, things are going to naturally get a little boring, which can stop you from enjoying sex as much as you used to. We have a whole article on the best sex positions, so check that out for a whole range of inspirational ideas on how you and your partner can best enjoy yourselves.


Passionate Pretending With Sexual Roleplay

Passionate Pretending With Sexual Roleplay

Have you ever fantasized about being someone else just for the night? Sexual roleplay may be something you will enjoy. If you are new to role play, here are tips to get you into character and make your time experimenting with role play easier.

According to Anderson (2011), roleplay allows you and your partner to engage in seduction, pretending to be different characters. This can mean anything from bringing your inner badass in bed to putting on an act or even dressing up. One of the reasons people like pretending to be a certain character in a sexual context is because it can help overcome inhibitions. You have the opportunity to test out things you are too embarrassed to try. You can easily slip out of your costume and back to your skin if things get too kinky when acting out.

Mackay (2017) stated that many people are intrigued by roleplay. However, they never try it out because they worry about being judged for their fantasies or they worry they’ll come off silly acting their fantasies out. Below are tips to get you into character and make your first time experimenting with role play easier, including finding your segue, starting with words, and setting limits.

Find your Segue

Figuring out how to raise this topic is usually a big deal for first-timers. If you feel embarrassed, the best thing to do is build your fantasy on a real-world image you spot with your partner. It’s the perfect segue. For example, if you see a police officer in uniform, you may say you find a man in uniform sexy and tell your partner they’d look hot in a costume like that. Another good approach is telling your partner you had a dream about being his submissive and enjoyed it more than you expected. It is a perfect way to test the waters.

Declare the Bedroom a Judgment –Free Zone

To have a great and successful sex session, you must feel free to talk about your fantasies without judgment. Before roleplaying, agree with your partner that you will never judge each other’s sexual performance, choices, or fantasies and commit to keeping your sex life private. Don’t go around sharing explicit details even with your best friend. Sex is vulnerable, and for you to explore it freely, you have to know that others shouldn’t be told about your biases. Once you are guaranteed that, you will feel more comfortable leaning into your kinky sides.

Accept Fantasies are Not Always Politically Correct

There are many roleplaying fantasies that seem odd with how people present themselves in the world. For instance, a feminist human rights activist who enjoys playing a sex slave in bed, a serious lawyer who enjoys trying on a cheerleader character. It may be difficult for you to accept certain wants as part of yourself when they are drastically antithetical to what you want and feel in everyday life. Assuming a role in bed is about playing with power and not wanting the scenario to materialize. The bedroom should be where one can play with dominance, role reversal, submission, and degradation as long as it’s consensual. Moreover, it would help if you did that without feeling ashamed or judged. According to Beyke (2018), roleplay can be incorporated to modern BDS activities.

Start with Words

It is not recommendable to start your first roleplay session with full costumes, public outings, and new vocabulary. Start by verbally pretending to be a different character in bed and save the costumes for when you are comfortable.

Set Limits in Advance

When you and your partner get into character, you may say and do things that are fun and arousing in roleplay but unacceptable anywhere else. Therefore, it’s vital to set limits in advance. You may have consented to pretend to be a certain character, but that does not mean you’ve consented to any direction that fantasy might take. Consent expires. Sometimes, you can agree to something, but when you implement it, it doesn’t feel so good, so you need a safe word when roleplaying. This is important when it comes to fantasies that involve physical dominance.

Suspend Disbelief

People often feel silly when they start roleplaying. Pushing past self-judgment is crucial to getting to the fun part. Try jumping into a role as though you were performing on a stage. Sometimes putting on a costume, changing your look, or putting on make-up may help you get into character.

Experiment by Staying In Character for Some Time 

The more time that passes, the less awkward you will feel. The most important thing to consider when roleplaying is not to judge yourself or your partner. That is the key to opening your door to many sexy characters within you and your partner.

Pick From a List

If you are unsure of the direction to take, here are some of the most common roles you can assume.

  • Delivery person and customer
  • Professor and student
  • Stripper and client
  • Cheerleader and football player
  • Chef and server
  • Royalty and servant
  • Pirate and captive
  • Coach and athlete
  • Teens are trying not to get caught
  • Vampire and victim
  • Job applicant and hiring manager
  • Warden and prisoner
  • Virgin and an experienced person
  • Electrician and housewife
  • Masseuse and client
  • Landlord and tenant


Sexual role play can bring elements of play to a relationship. Using roleplay can help you and your partner rediscover the interest of your early days together and bring fun back into a sex life that might have begun to feel monotonous. Role-play is a chance to step outside of the everyday rules you live your life by. Role-play allows couples to do things they wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing. It can also be a wonderful way for couples to bond and get closer as acting out a fantasy builds anticipation between partners, making sexual encounters intimate and fulfilling.


Anderson, S. P. (2011). Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Playful, Fun, and Effective User Experiences, Portable Document. Pearson Education.

Mackay, D. (2017). The fantasy role-playing game: A new performing art. McFarland.

Beyke, J. (2018). “A New Servitude”: Exploring Dominance and Submission in Jane Eyre through BDSM.




What are hard limits and safe words? Do you and your partner have hard limits and use safe words while having sex? Here’s everything you need to know about hard limits and safe words.

Communication in power exchange is important due to what is at stake for the participants. According to Edwards, Rehman & Byers (2022), communication keeps things safe, sane, and consensual for everyone involved in a relationship. This article will cover the topics of hard limits and safe words to understand your responsibilities concerning kink.

Knowing Your Dominant or Submissive Limits

In power exchange, a submissive has power, and a dominant has the control granted by the submissive. The only way to clarify what’s acceptable and what’s not is to set limits. Holt (2015) stated that limits are things that the other party must respect, no matter how insignificant they sound. A good example of a limit is when a submissive does not like being kissed on a certain area of her body because of past bad memories. Whenever you start a new kink journey with someone, you need to discuss limits to be aware of the boundaries. Nobody can expect someone to know limits that haven’t been communicated.

Types of Limits

Limits come in different forms. Understanding these limits helps foster ongoing communication between you and your partner. Mostly, limits fall under two categories.

Hard Limits

Airaksinen (2018) explained that a hard limit is an action or activity that you must not do under any circumstance. This is usually based on fear or moral issues. Anytime someone has a phobia, it is considered a hard limit. If someone is of a religious conviction that views homosexuality as immoral, that is a hard limit. A dominant should always respect a submissive’s hard limits. Hard limits are not to be tested or explored. If someone has too many different hard limits, then the dominant and submissive need to discuss what each person’s definition of a hard limit is. Sometimes an individual may decide that something is a hard limit even if they have never tried the activity, simply because they think they wouldn’t enjoy it. Hard limits are formed by experience, not by ignorance.

Soft Limits

According to Vera (2021), a soft limit is usually considered a no but may change under some circumstances. It may be something someone is not comfortable trying but might consider doing for the right person. It might also be something that someone dislikes but might get into the mood once in a while. For instance, fisting, you may or may not have tried it before, but you don’t think you would enjoy it, and you are afraid you may get injured. This is a soft limit with the right person, under the right circumstances, and of course, if your partner has small hands, you might want to try fisting. Soft limits can be explored, tried, and stretched. When there is trust between a dominant and a submissive, soft limits can be used to expand the trust and explore boundaries. Exploration should be done slowly and respectfully at all times. A dominant must always remember that there is a reason why a submissive has listed a certain activity as a limit and must work with the submissive to overcome fears.

Fluid Limits

Limits do change over time. Discussing limits and never looking back is not the best way to manage a relationship. Some of the things people are unwilling to try may become some of their favorite kinks. Someone may suddenly tell you that a hard limit is now a soft limit or no longer a limit. Surprisingly, your partner could declare that something that was once okay is no longer okay. It’s important to understand and respect your partner’s limits.

It is important to make sure you are always up to speed on where the boundaries lie in your relationship. If your partner has a new limit, it’s important to realize that the action is no longer acceptable.

The best way to protect yourself and your partner is by implementing the use of safe words. Safe words can help when exploring new activities or communicating when the intensity of activity has become uncomfortable.

Safe Words

A safeword is a way to put across your needs during a scene without impacting the mood. According to Schori, Jackowski & Schön (2021), safe words can be used to end an activity. You can have as many safe words as possible, and both parties can call them out. Moreover, safewords are for all roles.

Below are examples of safe word systems.

Spotlight System

This one is the most regular safe word system. Green means go, red means stop, and yellow means caution. This may come off as too simple for some people, or the words may be hard to avoid during foreplay, and it may end up confusing. Nevertheless, it is a very clear system.

Tired Safe Wording

Some people enjoy communicating some emotions using safe words. You can have as many safewords as you desire or need to have for your dynamic.

Server-wide Safe Wording

There are server-wide safe words available for use on may kink servers when dealing with a new partner in a public scene or when you have several submissives involved and cannot seem to remember each person’s safe words. Server-wide safe wording is recommended to simplify things.

Limits are important aspects to consider in the kink life, just as the kinks themselves. Limits can be as simple or as strange as a person’s kink. It’s wrong to kink shame, and limits need to be held in the same regard. Always respect your partner’s limits. A limit is a no, and there’s no question about that.


Communication is important so that a submissive and dominant are on the same page. It is also the responsibility of a submissive to communicate limits or safe words when needed. Submissives have the power, and they need to set clear boundaries so that the dominants can respect those limitations.


Airaksinen, T. (2018). The language of pain: A philosophical study of BDSM. Sage open8(2), 2158244018771730.

Edwards, J., Rehman, U. S., & Byers, E. S. (2022). Perceived barriers and rewards to sexual consent communication: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 02654075221080744.

Holt, K. (2015). Negotiating limits: Boundary management in the Bondage/Discipline/Sadomasochism (BDSM) community. City University of New York.

Schori, A., Jackowski, C., & Schön, C. A. (2021). How safe is BDSM? A literature review on fatal outcome in BDSM play. International journal of legal medicine, 1-9.Vera, A. (2021). Show Me the Ropes: Common Kink Community Practices. In The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work and Sexualities (pp. 458-467). Routledge.




Have you been having oral sex but don’t enjoy or get satisfied? Below are tips that will help you enjoy oral sex more than before.

Kumar et al. (2015) defined oral sex as the act of giving or receiving oral stimulations in the genitals. The only satisfying thing than being on the receiving end of oral sex is knowing you did an incredible job performing it on your partner. Each sexual partner has a different taste, and when you understand exactly what your partner likes, it can be gratifying. Whether you are self-conscious, hesitant, or just looking for ways to spice up your sex life, below are tips for enjoying oral sex, including getting acquainted with your vulva, bringing in relaxation techniques, and directing your partner.

Get Acquainted with Your Vulva

You’d be shocked to find out the number of women who haven’t taken time to look at their vulva and appreciate it. Becoming one with your vulva requires you to look at and appreciate it. You can look at it in front of the mirror or take nudes for your eyes only. The more you become comfortable with your own body, the more comfortable you will be while receiving and enjoying oral sex, which leads to enhanced pleasure.

Get Physically Comfortable in your Environment

Being comfortable is important. Ensure the position you are in supports you. You can have a pillow under your butt or have your partner support your hips. It is also advisable to check your thermostat before you go to bed. Temperature is a big factor in tuning in to your pleasure. Extremely hot or extremely cold environments can make your vulva uncomfortable and unable to receive well.

Bring in Relaxation Techniques

If you are too tensed, consider inhaling and exhaling to relax and have control of your body. You can bring in some breath-work practice to fortify your orgasm. Inhaling and exhaling can help elevate your sex play to new heights and lower your stress levels.

Direct Your Partner

Tell your partner what you want. You can be physically descriptive if you don’t have the right words. Don’t be afraid to guide your partner’s head. You can gently pull them in when it feels good.

Experiment With Flavored Lube

While a healthy vulva tastes awesome, knowing that you taste like strawberry pie can help you relax and allow your partner to dive into you. All you need to do is look for pH-balanced lubes and ones that do not have glycerin to keep your vagina healthy. Ensure you go for flavors that won’t irritate your bits. Lubrication is very important as explained by Angel (2022). 

Experiment with Face-Sitting

Get on top and ride your partner’s face. Riding your partner’s face will allow you to take control and guide the direction of your partner’s tongue at the angle you need to get stimulated.

Put on Some Music

A good playlist might be a helpful distraction if you have sex. Noise insecurities can be avoided even though you’re entitled to your moans.

Keep Yourself Feeling Fresh

Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ. This tip is more about self-confidence than cleanliness. For example, if you’ve been in the same clothes for four days in a row, refreshing yourself may help get you in the mood, and you may enjoy receiving oral sex more if you are concerned with hygiene, shower before receiving oral sex.

Be Present

Engage with your partner directly in an intimate way to boost your oral-sex routine. Make eye contact with your partner and watch him instead of closing your eyes.

Receive Oral from a Different Position

You can lie on your stomach with your butt up, lightly hovering over your partner’s face, and see how things work out.

Treat Your Leg to Something Sensual

If you’ve got a favorite lotion, oil, or spray, you may use its aromatic appeal to slide into a more erotic state of mind. You can also use your partner’s favorite lotion and apply some to your inner thighs.

Stimulate Other Erogenous Zones

Ask your partner to play with your nipples or stroke your anus lightly while performing oral sex, for a relaxed and sensational feeling.

Don’t Stop

Some people feel sensitive after getting an orgasm. It’s advisable to keep going after your partner has had an orgasm because there’s usually room for another orgasm. If you move slowly and with less force after climaxing, it may be easier to have multiple orgasms. You can talk to your partner and see if it works for them.

Lick From Top to Bottom

If you’re blowing your partner and your mouth requires a break from sucking, use your tongue to lick your partner’s penis. Start from the head of his penis and lick down to his balls. Then start from the balls, lick up the shaft, and repeat it as many times as your partner can handle.

Twist Your Hands

You can use your hands as an extension of your mouth and rotate your partner’s penis as you move up and down in a circle. Repetitive motion drives a lot of men crazy.

Don’t Forget the Balls

It’d be best if you did not neglect your partner’s balls. Try squeezing them gently with your hands and licking them as you move your mouth down.

Finger Your Partner

Use your hands while you stimulate your partner’s clitoris with your tongue. Press up against the anterior wall of her vagina, aiming for the G-spot while you lick her clit.

Embrace Your Throat Mucus

According to Butler et al. (2009), saliva is your body’s natural lubricant, but there is an untapped resource at the back of your throat that you can use. Saliva runs out fast, so it’s better to use the mucus in the back of your throat. It’s a better lubricant, and when you probe the area with a penis, the throat will produce more.


Watching porn can help research new oral techniques, but you can’t copy-paste what you see in porn into your own sex life. According to Nikunen (2007), you can watch porn for new sex techniques and positions. This article has discussed the best tips for performing oral sex on vaginas and penises that work in real life. The tips discussed might be just the thing to push your significant other’s buttons.


Angel, K. (2022). Tomorrow sex will be good again: Women and desire in the age of consent. Verso Books.

Kumar, T., Puri, G., Aravinda, K., Arora, N., Patil, D., & Gupta, R. (2015). Oral sex and oral Health: An enigma in itself. Indian journal of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS36(2), 129.

Butler, L. M., Osmond, D. H., Jones, A. G., & Martin, J. N. (2009). Use of saliva as a lubricant in anal sexual practices among homosexual men. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)50(2), 162.Nikunen, K. (2007). Cosmo girls talk: Blurring boundaries of porn and sex. Pornification, sex and sexuality in media culture. Oxford: Berg, 73-87.




Swimming is a blissful recreational activity recommended for people of all ages, especially due to its mental and physical benefits. Most people are accustomed to swimming; however, they have a vague idea of what skinny dipping entails. Herein, we talk about skinny dipping and how you can benefit from this type of activity.

Skinny dipping is no different from swimming. The only difference is that skinny dipping entails a nude body in water while swimming entails swimming with a costume on. According to Hoffman (2015), nudist activities are considered risqué. This also applies to skinny dipping and that only rogue people can partake in. However, recent research studies show that skinny dipping is one of the most soulful activities you should include on your bucket list. 

Benefits of Skinny Dipping

It Boosts Body Positivity

Martínez-González et al. (2021) stated that most women have gone through a body-shaming experience at one point in their lives, and most of the time, this experience leaves a dent in their self-esteem level. In recent years, social media and blogs have been exciting certain body shapes with the excuse that they are ideal, especially for women. A phenomenon that has led to many women hating their bodies. However, women can now feel safe in their bodies regardless of their sizes with skinny dipping. Skinny dipping is one of the few activities that boost body positivity in all genders. Additionally, being in an environment where people embrace their bodies without a care in the world can boost your esteem levels while also helping you appreciate the beauty of the people around you.

It Boosts Self-Vulnerability

Vulnerability is the act of exposing yourself emotionally. In lay-mans language, it also means predisposing yourself to emotional or physical harm. Vulnerability sounds harsh, but the truth is, it is the perfect way to embrace your authentic self, a thrill that is certainly worth it in the end. Skinny dipping is not an act that most people would partake in; therefore, if you feel the urge to go nude in the pool, it shows that you are braced for the judgmental stares that may come your way. Also, through vulnerability, you will be able to breed intimate and meaningful relationships that could last a lifetime.

It Is a Great State To Have Sex

Most people prefer engaging in sex with the lights off, probably due to body image struggles or maybe because sex in broad daylight is a big nay. Issues to do with body image are rampant across all genders, which is why skinny dipping should be a practice that people strive to partake in to help with this. Sex or romance in broad daylight is blissful; you and your partner get to see each other in all your glory. Also, there is so much chemistry between partners when they engage in sex in broad daylight. 

It Burns Fat

According to Mishra & VN Mishra (2011), swimming is one of the low-impact activities that help burn fat. This is because the body moves in the opposite direction from the water. In essence, swimming strains your muscle tissue as you struggle to move through the water. The muscle strain causes the body to cut off the supply of the white adipose tissue, which is harmful to the body. In addition to burning excess fat in the body, skinny dipping also makes you fit and healthier. It being a type of exercise is no surprise because you are struggling against water pressure. Note that every move you make while inside the water is an entire workout session that will help you to burn some calories in your system.

It Is a Good Source of Vitamin D

The sun is the most recommended source of vitamin D because it is natural and in abundance compared to other sources of Vitamin D like supplements. Vitamin D has many benefits to the body, from boosting the immune system to regulating the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body. Calcium is important in bone and teeth formation, while phosphorus oversees how carbs and fats are absorbed and used in the body. When you go skinny dipping, your body will absorb the right amount of vitamin D useful in the body.

It Is Healthy For the Skin

Skinny dipping is an activity that thrives in nudity. Therefore, choosing to forfeit clothing for an hour or two is the perfect way to rid your body of toxins. Nudity allows your body to breathe, thus boosting blood circulation. Skinny dipping is also beneficial for people who have issues with acne. Most pools are treated with chlorine, which helps kill bacteria on the skin’s surface. Also, skinny dipping in saline water like the ocean and saline pools can speed up the healing of damaged tissue on the skin surface. The saline water seeps into the skin, thus boosting its ability to retain moisture for that glowing effect.

It Is a Good Way To Bring Out Your Naughty Side

Societal norms read that the body is a temple, and just like any worshiping tower, it needs to be protected from foul eyes and desires. However, these rules are long gone because most people are now moving towards activities like skinny dipping that require no clothes. The thrill comes with breaking societal norms, and that is the adrenaline rush that most folks are after. The thought of engaging in a taboo practice coupled with the thought of someone seeing your naked body adds to the thrill.

It Makes Swimming Easy

Swimming with clothes on is next to impossible. According to Mollendorf et al. (2004), a swimming costume is meant to streamline the water currents, thus making the whole experience easy. With skinny dipping, you do not have any clothes that hinder your movement in the water, meaning you will swim with ease because you do not feel like you are being dragged backward.

The Bottom Line

Skinny dipping, also known as nude swimming, is a low-impact activity with many health benefits. However, society has met this type of leisure activity with unwelcomed eyes because nudity is a topic most people would rather not talk about. Regardless of this, people across all genders embrace skinny sipping because it is a fun activity that requires no shame and no guilt. As highlighted in the article above, the merits of skin dipping outweigh the demerits, a cue that you should try this coveted method of swimming.


Hoffman, B. (2015). Naked: a cultural history of American Nudism. NYU Press.

Martínez-González, M. B., Pérez-Pedraza, D. C., Alfaro-Álvarez, J., Reyes-Cervantes, C., González-Malabet, M., & Clemente-Suárez, V. J. (2021). Women facing psychological abuse: how do they respond to maternal identity humiliation and body shaming?. International journal of environmental research and public health18(12), 6627.

Mishra, N., & VN Mishra, D. (2011). Exercise beyond menopause: Dos and Don’ts. Journal of mid-life health2(2), 51.Mollendorf, J. C., Termin, A. C., Oppenheim, E. R. I. C., & Pendergast, D. R. (2004). Effect of swim suit design on passive drag. Medicine and science in sports and exercise36(6), 1029-1035.


The Perfect Way To Celebrate Cake & Cunnilingus Day Deliciously

The Perfect Way To Celebrate Cake & Cunnilingus Day Deliciously

Do you know the purpose of Cake and Cunnilingus day? What do couples do and what is the perfect way to enjoy this day? This article has discussed the perfect way to celebrate cake and cunnilingus day, including; who came up with cake and cunnilingus day? How to celebrate and why the day is important.

All genders are created equally and sex is positively amazing, there are two special days allocated for the sexual pleasure of both men and women. February 14th, Valentine’s day is a special day for those in love, March 14th is reserved for steak and blowjobs while April 14th is reserved for cake and cunnilingus Here is how cake and cunnilingus day came about and some suggested celebrations.

April 14th Cake And Cunnilingus Day

According to Washington Cake and Cunnilingus Day is a sexual celebration of women. A woman simply lays on her back or in any other position she desires and enjoys the most delicious piece of cake while her partner goes down on her. A woman can celebrate it as muffin and cunnilingus day, candy and pussy licking day, or any other way that she feels comfortable. On cake and cunnilingus day, calories don’t count, men and women are encouraged to go to town in different respects.

Whichever way cake and cunnilingus day is celebrated, the main focus is for women to enjoy pleasure. Both cake and cunnilingus day and cake and steak and blowjob day were created to symbolize equality in pleasure. It is not one gender versus the other, everyone deserves to climax.

Who Came Up With Cake and Cunnilingus Day?

Cake and Cunnilingus day was created by a woman called Ms. Naughty. Ms. Naughty is a successful filmmaker who has been creating women-centered pornography since 2000. In 2006, she felt that Steak and Blow job Day was kind of one-sided and that women deserved a special day for their sexual needs as well.

Therefore, she invented Cake and Cunnilingus Day, a day that is celebrated two months after Valentine’s Day, and a month after Steak and Blowjob Day. Ms. Naughty suggests that women should have a day where they get to eat cake as much as they want and enjoy getting their clit licked without hesitation.

How Can You Celebrate Cake and Cunnilingus Day Deliciously?

Cake and Cunnilingus day needs to be an extraordinary day. There are several things you can do to ensure it’s a day you’ll never forget. Below are three ways you can spice up Cake and Cunnilingus Day, making it a fun experience for both parties

Pussy Cakes

There is not enough evidence to show that cake plays an important role in this day. The term is derived from the male version of this day, steak, and blowjob day. Spice things up and order or make a pussy-themed cake. It would be amazing to rock an erotic vagina cupcake or cake.

Participate In Role-Playing

Role-play allows couples to explore fantasy outside their normal routine, as Brown (2015) stated. You can decide to do this in the kitchen, living room, or any other place you feel comfortable. Just have as much fun as you can before making your way to your woman’s pussy.

Cake Sitting

According to Kings (1990), the best and kinky way to enjoy Cake and Cunnilingus Day would be trying out cake sitting. A woman can strip off her pants and sit down bare-bottomed on the cake. Their partner can lick them clean.

Why Is Cake And Cunnilingus Day Important?

Cake and Cunnilingus Day is not only important as a means to even out the playing field, but it is also a way to create awareness of the importance of women receiving oral sex.

Gonsalves & Hindin (2017) interviewed several teens in the UK between the ages of 16 and 18 asking them about their experiences with oral sex.

The study above found out that the notion of a woman receiving oral sex was a bigger deal than a man receiving oral sex. While both genders agreed that a sexual relationship depends on give and take, a high number of test subjects, male and female, believed that men expected oral sex more than women.

Frederick et al. (2017) reported that women were more likely to give oral sex as opposed to men. Inventions such as Cake & Cunnilingus Day are a great way to break the stigma and encourage mutual sexual satisfaction. Below are tips to heighten your sexual experience to ensure euphoria as a woman.

Top Positions for Women To Enjoy Clit-Licking Orgasms on Cake and Cunnilingus Day

The Peace Out

A woman can sit on a chair comfortably and spread her legs and her partner will place her clitoris between their two fingers while licking the tip of her clitoris. These places focus on the part of her body that is most likely to make her orgasm.


A woman should sit on her partner’s face, without using all of her weight. The woman should straddle her partner’s face and move in a way that brings her the most pleasure.

Doggy Goes Oral

Doggy style is a favorite position for many women globally when it comes to penetrative action. Receiving oral sex in this position is mind-blowing as well. A woman can control the angle and the pressure, moving her body in a way that will create fireworks. The Doggy Goes Oral is a perfect position if you are also interested in giving anal cunnilingus a try.

The Deep V

Some women find themselves inside their heads too much during sexual activity. The Deep V is the perfect solution for women with such a problem because it helps them to relax. To do the Deep V, you should lie at the foot of the bed with your legs bent towards your chest in a V-shape. Your partner can then gently massage your inner thighs while going down on you. This will bring more blood to your vulva while making you feel more relaxed.


Cake and cunnilingus day is your day to take advantage. It is your perfect opportunity to have fun, relax and explore female orgasms. Women enjoy oral sex; this is the perfect day to perform oral sex on your partner because cake and cunnilingus day is dedicated to that act.


Brown, A. M. (2015). Sexuality In Role-Playing Games. Routledge.

Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., Gillespie, B. J., & Garcia, J. R. (2017). What Keeps The Passion Alive? Sexual Satisfaction Is Associated With Sexual Communication, Mood Setting, Sexual Variety, Oral Sex, Orgasm, And Sex Frequency In A National US Study. The Journal Of Sex Research, 54(2), 186-201.

Gonsalves, L., & Hindin, M. J. (2017). Pharmacy Provision Of Sexual And Reproductive Health Commodities To Young People: A Systematic Literature Review And Synthesis Of The Evidence. Contraception, 95(4), 339-363.

King, S. (1990, December). Naming And Power In Zora Neale Hurston’s Eyes Were Watching God. In Black American Literature Forum (Vol. 24, No. 4, Pp. 683-696). St. Louis University.Washington, M. H. (2008). I Love The Way Janie Crawford Left Her Husbands: Zora Neale Hurston’s Emergent Female Hero.”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations: Their Eyes Were Watching God, 9-23.




What are some of the kinky staffs that one should try during sexual intercourse? How effective are such kinkiest during arousal and sexual intercourse? This article explains some of the six genuinely interesting kinky things that an individual can try out.

Sex is always in constant motion, just like our lives. Essentially, no one sex position or sex toy will give you all the satisfaction you need. If you want to lead a fulfilling sex life, there are certain kinks you ought to try regardless if you have a partner or not. For folks looking to boost their sex lives, the article below will equip you with the various interesting kinks there are for you to try.

Most people believe that certain kinks are better off spoken about in hushed tones because bedroom matters should remain to be bedroom matters. However, thanks to the mainstream media, topics to do with various kinks have become more popular. Individuals should note that kinky pays homage to various sex activities outside or within the BDSM bracket. 

Interesting Kinks To Try

Thumb-Tying Bondage

Whenever the term bondage is mentioned in a room full of people, most people’s minds swim to using cuffs to restrain hand movement. Thumb-tying has been around the block for quite a long time now, with many people openly letting it be known that it is their preferred mode of bondage. Thumb-tying is similar to cuffing someone’s wrists. The only difference is that one method focuses on the thumbs while the other focuses on the wrists. This type of kink is a cult favorite because it brings a feeling of emotional complexity and the ability to distinguish between an unpleasant and pleasant feeling. Most often, the emotional complexity is brought out by the handcuffs. At one time, the wearer of the cuffs may feel like they can break free from the cuffs, and for them to break free, they have to restrain their minds from breaking free from the cuffs.


According to Lam et al. (2020), a Mindfold is a relaxing mask designed from high-density padding. The most interesting feature of this mask is that it allows you to experience total darkness regardless of the time of day. A Mindfold has many uses, making it a favorite tool in various kink activities. Such activities include;

  • Meditation
  • Airplane travel
  • Massage therapy
  • Blindfold for games
  • Sleep mask etc.

However, among kink lovers, blindfolds can be replaced with a Mindfold. A blindfold and a Mindfold are similar tools; the only difference is that with a Mindfold, you have the freedom to keep your eyes open or closed. If you keep your eyes open, you will be blind to your surroundings but very aware of your body. 

Toe Wax

There is something about temperature play that gives most people an adrenaline rush. For most people, especially that neck-deep into the kink world, temperature play is the ultimate form of pleasure. The most common form of wax play is pouring hot wax on the back, stomach, or bum of the submissive. According to Schori et al. (2019), this method of wax play is extremely popular that it has also been featured in some films such as Fifty Shades of Grey. Body waxing aside, toe waxing is also a thing in the kink community because it has a devious yet sexy thrill. You can ask your partner to sit and pour hot wax on their toes.


There is tongue-tying out of every kink, which is less talked about. However, this does not mean it is down on the to-do kink list. All you have to do for tongue-tying is tie a string around your partner’s tongue while making sure that it is long enough for you to hold with ease, more like having a leash. The restraints on the tongue allow the dominant to control the sub while the sub also focuses on what their tongue is doing and where they are being led. Most people feel like this type of kink needs to be scrapped off the kink book because the submissive may feel that their dominant partner is being abusive. However, this is not the case because, with any kink activity, there has to be a dialogue between both parties. 

Leash On A Cock Ring

Spitz (2018) stated that a cock ring is used to improve and maintain the strength of an erection, and most standard cock rings do not have the leash feature. Worry not, though, because the cock rings with a leash are specifically designed for kink activities. You may use this kink tool on any gender, but most often, it works great on men because they have a penis. To get the most out of the leash on a cock ring, put the leash on him and ensure that his penis is in a flaccid state. You can try to give him a light hand job to get things started. Once they are erect or slightly erect, you can hold the leash and lead your partner to whichever place you feel is right.

Nipple Clamps And Vibrator

Gomes & Lu (2017) explained that nipple clamps and vibrators have been around the block because of their versatility. However, most times, they are used separately but simultaneously. If you have never tried this bad combo, then now is the time to purchase your nipple and vibrator toy for a mind-blowing kink session. The power of nipple clamps lies in how gentle you can be with the clamps. It would be best if you did not rush to clamp the nipple without a thought to it. The session is intended to be sensual. Therefore strive to be malicious about it. Once you clamp the nipples, pass the vibrator through them and watch your partner squirm with pleasure. You can also try the nipple clamps on the bum, clamp the meatier pieces of the bum, and then use the vibrator to stimulate the nipples. 


Kink is an umbrella term for any sexual activity that is considered weird, and most often, it raises eyebrows when mentioned in a room full of people, which is the reason why most people keep mum when the topic of kink activities comes up because they harbor extreme kink thoughts that most people may find weird. However, no one should be made to feel weird due to their kink preferences, and as outlined above, there are many kink activities that most people subscribe to, the extreme and the mild. The kinks above are what you need to start for kink lovers looking to dip their toes into the wide pool of kink activities.


Gomes, L. M., & Wu, R. (2017, December). Neurodildo: A mind-controlled sex toy with e-stim feedback for people with disabilities. In International Conference on Love and Sex with Robots (pp. 65-82). Springer, Cham.

Lam, B. L., Mendoza-Santiestaban, C., Gonzalez, A., Rowaan, C., Liu, M., Martin, J., … & Parel, J. M. (2020). Electroretinogram Recording for Infants and Children under Anesthesia to Achieve Optimal Dark Adaptation and International Standards. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (163), e61734.

Schori, A., Jackowski, C., & Schön, C. A. (2021). How safe is BDSM? A literature review on fatal outcomes in BDSM play. International journal of legal medicine, 1-9.Spitz, A. (2018). The Penis Book: A Doctor’s Complete Guide to the Penis—From Size to Function and Everything in Between. Rodale.
